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IHRC has been appraised at level 3 of the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration 8358 0

IHRC has been appraised at level 3 of the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration

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IHRC has been appraised at level 3 of the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)® for service (CMMI-SVC+SSD) and development (CMMI-DEV) projects.  Our appraisal at maturity level 3 includes the Service System Development (SSD) process area, establishing us as one of two 8(a) businesses listed in the CMMI Institute’s Published Appraisal Results database to obtain this differentiator as of February 2017. The SSD process area encompasses analysis, design, development, integration, verification, and validation of service systems and their components to satisfy existing or anticipated service agreements.  
The appraisal at maturity level 3 confirms that our development, management and service delivery processes are well characterized and understood, and affirms that our standards, procedures, tools, and methods are effectively documented and executed. Additionally, the appraisal at maturity level 3 confirms our dedication to continuous improvement, and the CMMI framework provides us with additional elements with which we can continue to improve our processes over time. 

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